Eli Barlow began the full-time program with VTVLC in 2021 because of high-risk factors for COVID-19. “Continuing to learn from home was the best option for our family,” said Barlow’s dad.
Student Spotlight: Taybor Aldrich
Taybor Aldrich first began learning with VTVLC two years ago when he was asked to attend a hockey academy in New Hampshire.
“My days would be spent on the ice and my evenings would be dedicated to my studies,” Aldrich said. Attending the hockey academy will help him to earn recognition for his athletics which will possibly open doors for a college scholarship. “Since most kids my age attend school during the day and play sports after school hours, I needed to come up with a way to be able to make my dream of pursuing a hockey career beyond high school a reality.”
Student Spotlight: Lillian Quevado
Lillian Quevedo is not new to online learning. In fact, she is entering her third year of being an online learner, and her second year of learning with VTVLC. Lillian’s flexible schedule has allowed her to pursue her passion for Fashion and Design. Her love for fashion started at a young age when she would proudly pick out her own outfits. This love grew with the assistance of her grandmother, Cynthia Stevens, who taught Lillian how to sew pajamas for her family during the holidays. Stevens will be a featured guest speaker at the Fashion and Design Club this spring.
VTVLC Adds Student Clubs to Their Offerings
The Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative (VTVLC) has been providing online courses to Vermont students for over ten years, but this year, VTVLC expanded its offerings to the extracurricular realm with two student clubs: the Gender-Sexuality Alliance (GSA) and Student...
Teacher Spotlight: Geoff Glaspie
Prior to this school year, Geoff Glaspie was serving as an Algebra and Geometry teacher at Champlain Valley Union High School. But, when his principal asked for volunteers to teach in the Collaborative School Option (CSO) program, which allowed teachers and students to teach and learn fully online with support from VTVLC, Glaspie seized the opportunity.
VTVLC Essay Contest Winner
We asked our students how being a VTVLC student has affected them during a time in which schools are shifting to a virtual learning modality. Jing Yi, a full-time student at Burr and Burton Academy who takes additional classes at VTVLC, responded with a winning essay. Read on to hear her thoughts!
Teacher Spotlight: Rebecca Lowe
For the past 15 years, Rebecca Lowe has been teaching online in some form, whether it be a blended course or completely asynchronous. “I got involved in online teaching because I see myself as a lifelong learner and I want to model a growth mindset for my students,” Lowe said. “It is essential as a professional educator to keep up with the changes and developments in education.”